This cat is coughing quite badly. Coughing in conjunction
with other symptoms such as sneezing and loss of appetite, may indicate that the cat is suffering from'flu. Seek expert advice
in such a case.
Although it sounds like a single
illness, there are three different types of virus which can cause what is popularly known as cat 'flu. Thankfully, vaccination
now provides excellent protection against these infections. No effective treatment exists for a cat which is unfortunate enough
to contract cat 'flu, so prevention is very important against these potentially lethal viruses, especially as any cats which
do survive may suffer lifelong complications. Many cases of cat 'flu are of the respiratory type, categorised as feline viral
rhinotracheitis (FVR) or feline calicivirus (FCV) infection. In FVR, the incubation period depends on the amount of virus
received. In severe cases, signs of illness may be apparent after just two days, although it can take ten days for typical
signs of respiratory illness to become obvious. It is important to consult your vet at the first sign of illness in your cat.
Always suspect cat 'flu if your pet loses its appetite,
and starts to sneeze repeatedly. In due course, the discharge from the eyes and nostrils will turn cloudy, indicating a secondary
bacterial infection. The cat will find it extremely painful to eat, because ulcers will have developed on its tongue. Symptoms
like this can persist for as long as six weeks, during which time the cat will lose condition rapidly, and may even develop
complications such as pneumonia. It is actually quite difficult to distinguish between FVR and FCV, although generally FCV
causes less severe signs. Antibiotics will help to overcome any bacterial complications, which may otherwise lead to recurrent
attacks of sinusitis.
This lilac-cream Burmese-cross
kitten is displaying all the typical symptoms of 'flu.
There is also an infection of the digestive tract, called
(FIE),or feline panleucopaenia, which is considered to be another type of cat ,flu. Signs are a rise in body temperature,
coupled with severe vomiting and diarrhoea. Up to 90 per cent of infected cats particularly youngsters may die from this type
of cat 'flu so it is vitally important to vaccinate your kitten and to ensure that you remember its annual boosters.
?Flu viruses can survive for less than
a day outside the cats body. They can be killed by some disinfectants, including cetrimide.
?A cat's sneeze is powerful enough to
spread the infection via droplets in the atmosphere for a distance of almost 2m (7ft).
?The FIE virus can harm a kitten before
birth. It can permanently damage that part of the brian known as the cerebellum and upset the kittens sense of balance. Female
cats must be vaccinated prior to mating as a precautionary measure.
Q Is there anything that i can do to encourage my cat to
keep eating while it is suffering from FVR/FCV ?
A The cat's sense of taste and smell are closely linked,
so that it is best to offer strong-smelling foods. Pilchards in tomato sauce are often a good choice
Q Will a cat that has suffered from FIE make a full recovery?
A It may, but in some cases the intestinal lining is permanently
damaged, so the cat may suffer from recurrent bouts of diarrhoea, and appear thin, even if eating well.
Q I forgot my cat's vaccination certificate when i took
him to the cattery I had to produce it before they would admit him why?
A Without vaccination proof against cat flu your pet and
others are at great risk of illnesses.
Sinusitis is a distressing and potentially long-standing
condition in cats. The symptoms include discharge of pus from the nostrils and partially closed third eyelids (in the corners
of the eyes)
Inflammation of the sinuses in
the head, known as sinusitis, can be a particularly troublesome problem in cats. It is often linked with cat 'flu or other
infections of the upper part of the respiratory tract. The sinuses themselves are air-filled hollows within the structure
of the skull. It is not unknown for inflammation in the case of the maxillary sinus to be due to a tooth abscess. Once your
vet established the cause, then appropriate treatment can be given. The clear nasal discharge associated with upper respiratory
tract infections often develops into mucus as the course of the disease progresses, and this is a warning sign that sinusitis
may have developed. A cat suffering from sinusitis will appear to be very miserable, with its third eyelids clearly visible.
There may be an intermittent discharge of pus from the nostrils and the cat's appetite is likely to be reduced, partly because
its sense of smell will be impaired. The problem of sinusitis appears to be most common in breeds of oriental origin such
as the siamese, although any cat can be affected by the problem
Antibiotic treatment can be given, but this is not always
successful, partly because it is difficult for the drug to reach the site of the infection, which is effectively walled off
in a chamber in the head. It may therefore be necessary for your vet to flush out the sinuses with antibiotic directly, rather
than relying on a course of tablets. There is also the difficulty that not all infections of this type are caused by bacteria,
and so when Aspergillus fungi are involved, for example, regular antibiotics cannot be used as a cure. In the case of a tooth
abscess treating the underlying problem by removing the tooth usually overcomes the problem rapidly.
This cross section of a cat's
head shows the position of the sinuses
?A cat can appear to make a full recovery
from sinusitis, but the condition may recur again when the cat is not well. This is because the cause of the infection has
not been totally eliminated, and so it flares up again.
? A cat suffering badly from sinusitis
may develop swellings on its head which are painful if touched. This is the result of the inflammation within the sinus.
?Repeated sneezing with no apparent
cause is often indicative of a sinus problem.
Q My cat has a recurrent sinus problem. Can anything be
A It may be worthwhile having tests run, just in case your
pet is suffering from a depleted immune system. Older cat in particular may have difficulty overcoming infections. Dosing
your pet with additional vitamin C for a week or so can be beneficial.
Q Are there any alternative treatments i can use to make
my cat more comfortable?
A Cats do feel very out-of-sorts when afflicted by sinusitis.
You can soothe the inflammation within the nasal chambers with a herbal treatment such as golden seal nose drops. Homeopaths
often recommend lemna minor 6c, administered three times daily for five days. Long-standing cases of sinusitis are more likely
to benefit from silica, at a potency of 200c, given three times each week for a month.
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