Hi i would like to start this page off with
the story of toffee..... The job i have takes me to many farms in the area where i live to deal with cat feral colonies.
We go in armed with a lot of trap's to catch the cats and kittens send them off to the vets and have them all spayed and
neuter. A lot of the kittens come in to care and most spit and bite but with lots of love and care plus ham they always
come around in the end and i find them all new homes.........
Well, this day i got a phone call from
a very large farm about 10 miles from where i live he was getting very worried about all the wild cats running around and
he asked if i could help. So off i went with my car full to the brim with cat traps thinking this will all be done by tonight.
I was shown across 2 fields and finally got to the largest barn i have ever seen there was about 4 barns in one and a lot
of cats and kittens so my one day job was going to take a hole lot more them just one day. I spent the next 3 weeks going
to and from the farm to the vets with cats and kittens and taking them back again, having the ill cats treated and so one
i lost count of how many cats i had sorted and i had sorted 58 kittens. On the last day i got my eye on this cat disappearing
down a small hole at the back of the barn. So i had to go and make sure that there was no kittens and to my horror i found
4 more. My hand where very saw by this point been scratched so many times from the wild little kittens. All i could see was
this mass of wet fur balls and they did not move. To my horror as i was taking the kittens out of this hole they where all
dead and soaking wet i guess the mother cat just picked a very bad place to have her baby's after removing 4 dead kittens
i was very upset by this. I could hear a small meow coming from the hole. So i went back down and at the very bottom
i found this little cream coloured kitten with yellow bit's and so very wet and covered with lice, fleas, and so on but he
was alive he would have only been about 5 weeks old and to my surprise he just purred and purred i brought him home and got
him all cleaned up i got rid of the lice and fleas straight away and i named him Toffee i guess he was just so glad
to be warm and dry he did not mind me touching him as i have dealt with lot's of feral kittens in my time and not many come
out purring Toffee is now 4 years old and very happy a bit to fat and very spoiled............................

Another farm
Sometimes i think cats are far more clever
then we mer humans think i was called to a farm to help with neutering and spaying i was told from the farm that he had about
30 odd cats. So off i go to start trapping i went to the farm and set up all the traps i new it was going to take a few days
if not weeks to get through all the feral cats on this farm. i sat for a few hours but no cats showed up so i thought well
it's getting late and it's time i was heading home. So off i went thinking to my self that i will be back tomorrow and i was
wondering how many cats would have been in the traps. Next morning i get a phone call from the farm saying that all 29
of the traps had cats and some of them had too cats and some of them had cats and kittens in. i had set 40 traps up the night
before so i just thought to my self are well i must have been lucky and caught them all seen as some of the traps had 2 cats
in. All that day i went to and fro from the farm to the vets. but i found it quite odd that the traps that where not set
off had no cat food in them. I soon found out that their was another 5 cats still to catch and after a few weeks of keep going
back to the same farm and still none of the 5 cats in the traps but always the cat food gone this puzzled me a lot so
i thought i would set up camp in one of the outer building on the farm and sit and watch. To my amazement one large ginger
tom was going to the back of the traps and sticking his paw through the holes and eating the food that way while the other
4 sat waiting from him to finish and then on to the next trap as he would leave food from each trap on the flour so that the
others could get some. I thought to my self how the hell am i going to solve this one if the cats won't go in side the
traps then how will i catch them and these 5 stuck together like glue after phoning around for a few days i finally found
an animal shelter who had transparent traps so off i went back to the farm to catch the last 5 cats and you would think it
would have been easy to catch them. Well, NO it tuck me 3 more weeks before the cats where caught and i think it was just
hunger that made the cat go into the traps. You would just think the other cats that had been done where telling them to stay
away from the free food thing as you end up at the vets and your man hood removed. At least i got the job done in the end.